Blogs Discover Enhanced Cash and Money Funds

Below, I mention some recent blog postings involving money funds and/or enhanced cash. While most are typical Chicken Little fare, or merely link to their favorite Bloomberg or WSJ scare article (quilty as charged here too!;-), there are some sane and thoughtful nuggets out there (don’t look for them in the replies posted though!).

Finaxyz’s “Finance and Economics Commentary” posts “Enhanced cash funds vs. money market funds” at: Jack Krupansky says, “Sometimes people ignorantly or misguidedly or even intentionally suggest that enhanced cash funds are the same as money market funds and that money market funds may have the same problems, but it simply isn’t true.”

The Market Oracle, one of the most popular doomsayers, writes “Academics at the Fed Have No Real Money Markets Experience – US In Stagflation” at: (They must be friends with Charlie Gasparino and Herb Greenberg, they like the phrase “Break the buck” so much! Too bad they don’t know what it means — they’re talking about enhanced cash….)

Accrued Interest writes “Money Markets: And I thought they smelled bad… On the outside!” at: (A little dated, but representative of the madness out there.)

The Politics of Debt blog posts “Things That Go Bump in the Night”, which reprints a newsletter from John Mauldin (a favorite with the “Doomies”):

I’d love to see some people who know what’s going on in the money markets post replies, but it doesn’t seem to do much good with this crowd…. Thanks to Google’s Blog search and to the X-Files — “The Truth is Out There!”;-). Happy Holidays to All!

1 Response to “Blogs Discover Enhanced Cash and Money Funds”

  1. 1 Isabelxk March 20, 2008 at 8:50 am

    omg.. good work, man

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